Social Science & Dentistry is now an Open Access journal publishing peer reviewed papers relevant to the social sciences and issues of oral health, health care, policy formation and implementation.
Editors: Dr Sasha Scambler and Professor Tim Newton, London, UK
Published by Stephen Hancocks:
The aim of the journal is to provide a scholarly international forum for reflections and debates on the full range of contemporary oral health issues. The journal primarily, but not exclusively, publishes contributions from sociology, psychology, economics and social policy. Contributions from other related disciplines, epidemiology, philosophy, anthropology and medical geography, for example, are also welcome. Submissions covering topics such as the definition, meaning and importance of oral health; inequalities in oral health and access to oral health care; oral health behaviour; policy evaluation in dentistry; oral health related quality of life and the development of dentistry as a profession are welcome. Social Science and Dentistry accepts empirical, theoretical and policy papers as well as reviews and commentaries.
Papers for consideration for publication should be submitted online here and will be subject to peer review.
Once accepted an Author Processing Charge of £300 will be payable prior to publication, which will be under the widely used Creative Commons Attribution standard. Full licence details at: